hello!! carter and i met our students tonight. we have level two together and we have 4 girls and 3 boys. petra, mirka, luska and another girl who i dont remember =0 our guys are mical (michael), honska and our translator guys name that I dont remember. we all get along really well and had pretty good discussions. they understand quite well for the 'level' the are at. carter totally took it away tonight in discussion groups. i totally clammed up and carter definitely spoke well with the czechs in our class. He spoke just like a normal conversation with friends and made it really easy for the kids to interact. I think I just felt like I had this box I needed to fit into for teaching and speaking with the students and thats totally not how it should be. God has freedom within His plan and I pray that I can grasp that as I teach! I need not have expectations for myself because God is the One at work here, not me :) thank goodness. please pray that I surrender to God i my teaching and let go of the reigns. I consciously desire to give Him control of teaching and leading but for some reason without thought I cannot let go. i just automatically take control. I guess thats human desires for ya, to be in control of things. well, thats my thought today, please pray pray pray!!!!! the other half of our team left for zlin yesterday so pray for them as well!!! oh gosh, I just feel satan all the time so pray constantly that Christ binds Him. This camp is not a playground for the devil. God is strong and He is might and power and He is walking with us and filling us up. anyway, i gotta go :) pray pray pray!!
katka :)
czech words of the day, Děkuji: (day.kwee) thank you
Ahoy!: hello and goodbye. (like aloha) haha!
peace. :)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
czech republic!!
hey everyone! Im here in czech and it is thursday night. we got here late tuesday night (actually 1:30am on wed.) and this is our second day of training and rest. we've still got lots of camp dance practice and camp song practice to do tonight and just learning to lean on each other while satan tries to attack. he wants this camp but he won't have it! camp starts saturday i think, please just pray pray pray! unity, safety (our team has to split up and half of them are leaving tomorrow :( :[ ) strength, renewed spirits and physical energy as well as emotional and mental. pray whatever God places on your heart for this team and our time here. pray pray pray. thats all i can think of to say. I wish you could all see it here. it is lush and green and beautiful, if i have an opportunity ill put a picture up ;) God has already put love in my heart for the czech and i cant wait to see Him work the week of camp. I have already seen Him work through stories and testimonies of czech christians and american interns who are here at cesky tesin. He is wonderful and He is powerful and mighty and great and loving and just and He is conquerer of all things of evil! Love you all,
pray pray pray!
ephesians 6:10-20
katka (my czech name) :)
pray pray pray!
ephesians 6:10-20
katka (my czech name) :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
frosting for your face

I trip
I fall
on everything i hate
I allow me to be led
into a lie
to make my bed
in sheets of black
rest my head
on a pillow
of glass
but covered with sheets
of frosting for your face
it covers up the lies
makes them look nice
makes you look pretty
and blinds your eyes
why do we lead
and why are we led
into places of darkness
that we know are not true?
we know we'll be swallowed
digested and forgotten
falling ragged and worn
out of the lions mouth
but the frosting looks good
we muffle the cries
of truth inside
redeem this life
fill it once again
please wash me clean
forgive my hate
pull out the root
prune me and
replant a seed of beauty
having nothing to do
with petals and leaves
replant a seed
that is whole inside
and clean
not me.
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