Happy New Years!!! It's almost 2007 guys!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I hope ya'lls Christmases were great and you remembered Jesus...cause He is more important than presents =D anyway, I hope you all had a blessed year of 2006 and you have an even greater 2007! It's weird to think about the moments we've had in this year..they won't ever be there again. Two seconds ago when I was typing this and then the other two seconds ago when you were reading something i had typed which might..well probably will be already in the next year. Those moments will never come back. The things you've done this year that you might regret but you shouldn't cause if you payed attention you probably learned from them, they're gone. The really awesome things that you laughed about or got really excited about and had fun with your family and friends and presents you opened and birthdays you had or attended, won't come again. But you know what? It's gone, we can have the good memories and think about them and smile about them, we can have the sad memories of deaths or heartaches or people moving or whatever. We can remember them, but don't live on them, don't base what you do on what you've already done. Think about what you want to do and what you strive for in life and go for it. Go for your goals and your dreams, things that make you happy, things to glorify God, things to remember next year as memories that will be better than last years memories! If you have a lot that you want to change in your life, change it! Don't think about how sad or mad you are about what you have done, but make sure you don't do any worse things this next year and have better things to think about and remember =D Focus on others, love your family and friends more, make them know they're important, don't take things personally, look at the good out of EVERY situation, look for the good in Every person, don't be rude just cause you can, refrain from saying that one sarcastic thing that will be funny but, whats it really gonne do? Is it really gonna make life better or would it maybe hurt somebodies feelings? Smile more. Listen to music. Listen to people when they talk to you no matter how boring or insignificant what they're talking about may seem. Admit your faults, realize you're not perfect, and forgive yourself. Forgive others. Put time into making someone else besides yourself happy. Make new friend...or just one in particular. Rejoice in all that you have, even if it's just a nice meal during the day or a bed to sleep in at night. Let people that you care about know that they are important. Hold back the negative words and feelings, save them for screamo yell at the world time by yourself in your room =) Don't care what others think. Something I will leave you with that Audrey Hepburn said is something I love, “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
Happy New Year =D
Katelyn Marie
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
L. CPL. Luke B. Holler and S. SGT. Jason D. Whitehouse, U.S. Marine Corps
Lance Cpl. Luke B. Holler, 21, of Bulverde, Texas, died Nov. 2 while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to Marine Forces Reserve’s 4th Reconnaissance Battalion, 4th Marine Division, San Antonio, Texas.
Luke B. Holler and Jason D. Whitehouse died on Nov. 2, 2006 defending our country. I honor them with all my heart and all my gratitude goes to them and every other service man of our country for protecting us when they could be back home with their families or doing whatever. Instead of doing that they chose to take years of training, and combat, to protect and serve OUR country. The one we call America, yet we criticize and blame the leaders of it because they haven't been doing it exactly the way we want them to. Just because they didn't have a meeting with us before they made every major decision to ask what we thought about it..we criticize them for our negativity. Well, let me ask you this, if your freedom was taken away and you had to live in poverty in another country with no freedom of religion or speech...wouldn't that America you so often blame for every little thing start to look pretty nice?? Let me just remind you that those soldiers don't run on nothing, they need our support to feel like they're fighting for a reason. Like they're fighting for something. Like they're fighting for America. Keep these soldiers families in your prayers and all the other ones who have passed, and the ones who are still out there, defending our freedom. God bless, Katelyn Marie
Luke B. Holler and Jason D. Whitehouse died on Nov. 2, 2006 defending our country. I honor them with all my heart and all my gratitude goes to them and every other service man of our country for protecting us when they could be back home with their families or doing whatever. Instead of doing that they chose to take years of training, and combat, to protect and serve OUR country. The one we call America, yet we criticize and blame the leaders of it because they haven't been doing it exactly the way we want them to. Just because they didn't have a meeting with us before they made every major decision to ask what we thought about it..we criticize them for our negativity. Well, let me ask you this, if your freedom was taken away and you had to live in poverty in another country with no freedom of religion or speech...wouldn't that America you so often blame for every little thing start to look pretty nice?? Let me just remind you that those soldiers don't run on nothing, they need our support to feel like they're fighting for a reason. Like they're fighting for something. Like they're fighting for America. Keep these soldiers families in your prayers and all the other ones who have passed, and the ones who are still out there, defending our freedom. God bless, Katelyn Marie
Marine Staff Sergeant Jason Daniel Whitehouse Marine Staff Sergeant Jason Daniel Whitehouse lost his life on a mission in Iraq on November 2, 2006. Jason was born on July 25, 1979 in Houston, Texas. He is survived by his wife Lindsay and their children Aaron and Haylie, seven and four years of age; his mother and step-father Carol Whitehouse Bruno; his father, Richard Roach; his and step-father Carol Whitehouse Bruno and Robert Bruno; his father, Richard Roach; his brother, Joshua Quick and Step-father Daniel Quick; his sister and brother-in-law Rachael and Rob Michael; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Tina and Ron Anthony, and his step-brothers Ed and Preston Bruno. Jason and Lindsay were married on July 31, 1999. Jason enlisted in the Marine Corps in December of 2000 and reenlisted in 2004. He was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq when he and two other marines were killed on a ground mission in Al Anbar Province near the Syrian border. when he and two other marines were killed on a ground mission in Al Anbar Province near the Syrian border. Jason was a devoted husband and father who was proud to serve his country.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
sister moving =(

my sister is moving back to TEXAS....the plan was to go this afternoon (saturday) but now shes not leaving until about 4 in the morning..anyway....shes leaving. I'm real real sad!! PleAsE BE praying for her and her friend ashley while they drive the trailer for a 16 hour drive!! thank you so much =D
Thursday, October 26, 2006
"You never know when 'your dissapointment' is 'HIS appointment'"
so im babysitting and this awesome single mom has this written on her mirror!! I REALLY like =]
you could be like, im mad...life is not going my way and i have to do something 'dissapointing' ..but it could be GODS appointment =] think about it...ToOtLeS !!**!!*!
so im babysitting and this awesome single mom has this written on her mirror!! I REALLY like =]
you could be like, im mad...life is not going my way and i have to do something 'dissapointing' ..but it could be GODS appointment =] think about it...ToOtLeS !!**!!*!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tiger mommy =] ....with baby pigs?!

In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of
triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the
pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size,
they died shortly after birth.
The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started
to decline in health, although physically she was fine. The
veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to
fall into a
depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate
another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.
After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing
news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to
the mourning mother. The veterinarians decided to try something that
had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of one
species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans"
that could be found quickly, were a litter of weaner pigs. The zoo
keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the
babies around the mother tiger.
"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way,
you command the attention of the world."
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Monday, October 16, 2006

"For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that He might be repaid?" Romans 11:34-35
^^^^this reminds me that no matter whats up, we don't know why its happening but God does, and He has a good reason and "he works for the good of those who love Him" (forgot passage!! oopsie) and what are we worth to Him and what can we give Him that is as good as Him dying for us?!?!!? NOTHIN ! thats right nothin =D
i just looked at that verse in my bro's Bible and sent it to a friend and...i thought i might share it =] i LOVED it. what are we to God? us, sinful, jealous, arrogant, malicious, angry, prideful, unthankful human beings!!? take a minute..think...all the things you've done in the past that you don't neccesarily wish you could take back cause you learned from them but..were really stupid. God. doesnt. care. He DOEsNt CaRE!!! HE still LoVeS YOU! WHOA! haha..just got really excited but..think..lol that awesome beautiful powerful loving caring sinless God..cares enough about you to have planned out a life specifically for you, to make you happy in the end if you glorify Him. He knows exactly what youre doing all the time, good or bad. He forgives you when you repent..He opens His encompassing arms for you when you run back to Him after being a total eedioot! you!! just because you said God.....come into my heart......i believe in You. i love You. mmmmmmmmmmmmm..i like it. i love it. i want some more of it! haha that verse wasn't even that awesome but i found so much in it that just splurged out!!!!!!!! God is AwEsOmE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHH. =)
God bless ya'll
Thursday, September 14, 2006
babies =)
so tonight some friends of the family came over, they have two children, a 2 year old girl and a 4 month old boy. They are both absolutely precious; however, the little boy has absolutely captured me! He was sitting on my couch as my mother and his mother sat and talked and his big sister played with her toys. I sat there letting him grasp my finger tip..looking at his beautiful eyes, they are deep forest green and gorgeous. This baby was just sittin on his blanket tryin to fall asleep next to his mommy comforting him and he has nothing...nothing in the whole world to worry about..the only thing on his mind is what he is doing in that moment, holding on to my finger, touching his mommys hand, hearing her voice speaking softly in his ear..admiring his sister and her little running feet. How awwesoome would that be. To be a baby again, to hold so much happiness wrapped up in your precious little body while having noo idea that so many people love you soo much. As i sat there admiring his deep green eyes that will eventually change color, and his tiny hands with skin like silk, his hair patches tryin to figure out where they want to grow, his precious little nose identical to his mothers, beautiful eyelashes and soft soft skin.. i admired him. I adored him. I wanted to protect him, i wanted to make him happy, i was not going to let anything touch this little boy in any harmful way possible. He was happy, he was content, he was beautiful..he is Gods creation. He is what God made him to be right now before feeling the worlds corruption at his heels. He is what we all strive for, to be care-free and content and happy and loving all wrapped up in the cutest package anyone could ask for! God bless him..=] and God bless you !!
Katelyn Marie
Galations 5:22-23
Katelyn Marie
Galations 5:22-23
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Small Enough by: Nichole Nordeman
Oh great God
Be small enough
To hear me now
There were times when I was crying
From the dark of Daniels den
I had asked you once or twice
If you would part the sea again
Tonight I do not need a
Fiery pillar in the sky
Just want to know youre gonna
Hold me if I start to cry
Oh great God
Be small enough to hear me now
Oh great God
Be close enough to feel you now
(Oh great God be close to me)
There have been moments when I could not face
Goliath on my own
And how could I forget we marched
Around our share of Jerichos
But I will not be setting out
A fleece for you tonight
Just wanna know that everything will be alright
Oh great god be close enough to feel me now
All praise and all the honor be
To the god of ancient mysteries
Whose every sign and wonder
Turn the pages of our history
But tonight my heart is heavy
And I cannot keep from whispering this prayer
Are you there?
And I know you could leave writing
On the wall thats just for me
Or send wisdom while Im sleeping
Like in Solomons sweet dreams
But I dont need the strength of Sampson
Or a chariot in the end
Just wanna know that you still know how many
Hairs are on my head
Oh great God (Are you small enough)
Be small enough to hear
Me now
This is such an amazing song, it constantly reminds me of Gods grace, love and power. Have a great day =]
Be small enough
To hear me now
There were times when I was crying
From the dark of Daniels den
I had asked you once or twice
If you would part the sea again
Tonight I do not need a
Fiery pillar in the sky
Just want to know youre gonna
Hold me if I start to cry
Oh great God
Be small enough to hear me now
Oh great God
Be close enough to feel you now
(Oh great God be close to me)
There have been moments when I could not face
Goliath on my own
And how could I forget we marched
Around our share of Jerichos
But I will not be setting out
A fleece for you tonight
Just wanna know that everything will be alright
Oh great god be close enough to feel me now
All praise and all the honor be
To the god of ancient mysteries
Whose every sign and wonder
Turn the pages of our history
But tonight my heart is heavy
And I cannot keep from whispering this prayer
Are you there?
And I know you could leave writing
On the wall thats just for me
Or send wisdom while Im sleeping
Like in Solomons sweet dreams
But I dont need the strength of Sampson
Or a chariot in the end
Just wanna know that you still know how many
Hairs are on my head
Oh great God (Are you small enough)
Be small enough to hear
Me now
This is such an amazing song, it constantly reminds me of Gods grace, love and power. Have a great day =]
Saturday, August 26, 2006
give it to God!! =)
so recently there have been a lot of things on my mind, stuff i cant figure out, i dont know what to do, how to go about doing it, when to do it, blah blah blah. i always get my self off track thinking i can deal with something by myself, when in reality. i cant do anything near that. im not putting enough trust in God. anytime i have a problem going on in my life i worry or try and figure out why its hapenning when really, i should just be like "alright God, i know your'e doing this for a reason, show me what reason that is and how to deal with it." so i encourage you guys, whatevers going on right now, give it to God. let Him know you know Hes in control of your life, you trust Him completely and you want Him to help you out. He wants to help you out!! He doesnt want your life to suck even though it needs to sometimes so you can learn some things. but He wants your life to be as good as it can be...with Him in it. He wants you to say "God, i need you, life would be so much better if you were all through out it." so today, and every day, talk to God, and ask Him to deal with everything in your life. =) it works, i promise!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
thanking Jesus
i really wanted to take the time to remind you all to stop, and think about everything God is doing in your life. If He is doing something super fantastic in your life, take the time to thank Him!!!! He loves you so much and He does so much for you so take a minute to thank Him for it =) and if your life may not be so great right now, trust in Him anyway, ask Him to give you patience, and contentment about your circumstances. Praise Him in the storm! (casting crowns baby!!)haha i was just thinking about this because i have so many great friends and without them i would not be so happy, =( and my family is flippin amazing!!!! God has done so much and i hope you all can realize His greatness and amazingness!!
i pray that you all had a great weekend and you have a wonderful school year because we all know that no one has been jumping up and down excited about going to school. so i pray for you all and God Bless!
katelyn marie
i pray that you all had a great weekend and you have a wonderful school year because we all know that no one has been jumping up and down excited about going to school. so i pray for you all and God Bless!
katelyn marie
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
to date..or not to date?
you might think this is quite random for me to be putting up a post with this title after not posting anything since..easter and this is pretty much my first long, actual post. wel, the reason is that recently i have been faced with the question..to date or not to date? now i have grown up in a home where, dating is totally fine..when your'e sixteen. no biggie right? thats like everyones family rule especially homes with girls haha =P well i dont know why i have formed the opinion i have, the view of not to date..ill explain more of my views in a bit. it might be because, after watching 4 other siblings grow up and rush to date like it was the first time they'd seen a candy store in their life as a kid, and seeing the outcome. dissapointment, i mean not like serious heartbreak or anything just..utter dissapointment. i would hear my beautiful sister talk about her ex-boyfriends in high school and hear how dissapointed she was with them and the ways that they were so nice to her and did so many great things and then all the sudden went from night to day and were no longer the prince charmings everyone thought they were. i thought to myself oh that is so sad i hope that never happens poor little me. lol! my brother (robert lol) had a few girlfriends and it just wouldnt last, they always thought they were in love and it would last forever and then..it just fell apart and sometimes your heart would get broken and i saw how he would want another girlfriend to fulfill the last. my very best friend had her heart broken and it took quite sometime after sleepless nights and crying through her sleep to finally realize that only God can fill and overfill by thousands the space a boy once filled. now this is not to say that every high school relationship ends in sadness and anger, many people i know have married their high school sweethearts or just had a mutual decision that they werent meant to date and remained friends. i am not trying to sound like a stereo type or a date-basher. thats great for people who choose to date in high school and it either works out for or it doesnt and they have life lessons from their experiences. thats what God wanted for them. but for some reason God has planted in my heart a passive decision and opinion not to date. i havent had to practice or stick up for my opinion until recently, although i cannot date for another year because of age i have also refused now and in a year and until i am out of high school. i have recently been...shall we say 'lightly pressured' to date. not just by one individual in particular but others around me have asked why not date? its just for fun, youre in high school have some fun with it. thats great for the people who do decide to take that road, thats obviously the opinion that they have decided on and i will not pressure against them to change it. but i believe that God is testing me to see if i will stick to my opinions or if i will easily and quickly be swayed as soon as someone questions my views. i dont think that there is anything wrong with dating whatsoever, but i do believe that it has different outcomes. most high school relationships do not last..honestly and really most of them just dont last and end up being bitter towards the other person or wishing you had never done the things you did. i give props to the people whose high school dating either lasted or the ones who have been able to get past it all and become friends in the end. yay for you!!!! i also think that a lot of dating today is focused on saying 'i have a boyfriend' or 'i have a girlfriend' or 'i kissed him or i kissed her' or 'we hold hands' and things like that, its all about the fun and im all for fun!!!!! its the greatest thing ever!! right? but misproportioned fun in dating just ends up once again, in dissapointment. =( now thats no fun! it seems like some people just feel like they want to be fulfilled, i mean who doesnt? i know i do and you do and everyone does. boys want to know that they are strong and they are fulfilled by a girl friend and girls want to know and feel that they are beautiful, they want to be told that they are pretty and attractive and look to boys for that. im not sayin ive never done this, i have and often find myself thinking that a boy will give me my worth of beauty. but God has shown me that no matter how sweet one is to you, no one...nooo oonnee can completely fill your worth but God. the creator of the universe, the one who made you. He and only He can fill your longing in your heart to be told you are string or you are beautiful. He is in love with you and adores you. if you ask Him He will come to your heart and give you a feeling of worth and importance that you never dreamed of! this man that created the stars and made day and night and water and land and birds and bears and flowers and trees and rain ...wants you to ask Him to fulfill you..He has a place in His heart that only you can fill and you have a place in yours that only He can fill..and let me tell you He wants to fill it!!!!!!!! i have chosen to find contentment in God for my high school years. i will continue to find it in Him when i date later on and when im married and have found the Him He has chosen for me =D because after you become rejected by the opposie sex to completely fill your worth God is always there waiting to make you 100% happy!! now those of you who want to date: im not telling you its wrong this is just my personal and current view =) and i would think it was silly to suddenly change it the first time i got questioned because i believe God wants me to try this and stick with it for now =) so if this was too much for some of you sorry!! and maybe this will be God asking some of you to think about it cause he wants you to take this challenge too!! and no i have not chosen this view after reading 'i kissed dating goodbye' because i have never read that book!! haha so, thanks for takin the time to read and if you have questions please ask me !! i want to hear em and i also want to hear your differing opinions and reasons! so..leave a comment and God Bless!!
i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13 in case you think you cant do it =D
i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13 in case you think you cant do it =D
Sunday, April 16, 2006
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! this is the day Jesus Christ rose from His tomb after dying for our sins..His amazing love&grace continues to amaze me...i hope ya'll have the most amazing easter possible...remember Gods sacrifice of giving His only son so that we could live =) God Bless
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
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