So recently Iv'e been experiencing complete joy and contentment through my amazing Jesus. Not just temporary happy moments that numb the pain of everyday life once and a while when you smile and switch back and forth from good days to bad days. TrUe HaPPiNeSs! This happened to me by realizing in my heart, not just understanding in my head, that my worth is in Jesus Christ and I don't need to call to anybody to receive definition through their approval! That God was there when I was born, the first time I skinned my knee, the first time I lost a family member, the first time someone I thought was my friend hurt me, and He will be there for the last time those things happen. He was there ten years ago and He will be there in twenty. He loved me yesterday, He loves me today, and He will love me tomorrow.
Anyway, my point of this really, was to talk about how important it can sometimes be to just find a smile in the small stuff. Like today, I was kinda stressed out, didn't really know why, I was just subconciously letting something get to me I guess, but I rolled down the window in the car, and I stuck my head out and just felt the cool air brush my face. "Thank You, God, for giving me life today. I'm gonna choose to look at this day as a miracle that I'm even alive." That simple moment made the rest of my day just that much easier to handle.
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