Monday, December 01, 2008

knowledge and art, science and the heart

All were made, all were formed
all uniquely, to the core
different gifts in little bags
that came with us
our first day, our first day to breath

I ran and climbed
and colored pictures
he sat and read
and never smiled
she swung and sung
about the autumn
and her eyes sparkled
for her Father
each of us revealing truth
about the God of the universe
none of us
the same are formed
but all of us uniquely born

I only ask one question then
to the God of the ancient sun above
what do you ask, of us
Dear Father
what would you hope we do
with all the gifts you freely gave
and love and grace so true
would you require that I sit
learn from books
and level my life on grades?
or would you say that I must go
to the ends of the earth
to ancient Rome and search
for every wise ones thought
and learn from history?

now would you mind
would you mind at all
if I were to spend my time
feeling the music
of my world
and bask in sunlight
and paint and read
and fill my head
with the heavenlys?
would you mind
would you mind at all
if I only travelled the world
and had no money
but only searched to know the souls
of those who roam
who roam in places I don't yet know?

I don't think You'd mind
You wouldn't mind at all
if I ran around and stood so tall
so tall that I could see
above the clouds and
and the American dream
and looked through all the fog
and found that truth was not in me
but it was found in You
its found in flowers and clouds
and sails, and babies eyes
with which we find sweet innocence
truth is found
in all the tales, the tales we tell our daughters
pirate ships and princess shoes
hold more than just a story
the tales we tell our sons
we've found mean more than
all we thought
its freedom and life
and love and feet
feet that take us anywhere
so Father, I thank You
for giving us our freedom
to live and learn the ways we do
no matter who we answer to
because in the end we'll all be answering to You

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