Thoughts are like bubbles, coming in and out of me in a constant relationship. I hate when I have a good thought and it leaves me, floating away too fast for me to remember it in words. All that's left is the soapy residue, I know it was there, I know it was good and it etified that moment.
More bubbles will come.
What goes in your heart, soul and mind comes out on your face, in your words, in your eyes...and those things will go into someone else's heart, soul and mind
Decide what you're going to let in.
He really does matter more than anything else
He loves more than anyone else
He is more than anyone or anything
He holds on tighter but gives more freedom than anyone or anything else
He is.
And He is mine.
And I am His!
I love that.
I miss out on beautiful things when I focus on myself. Lots of beautiful things and people and sounds and bubbles of thoughts around me are not taken captive in my eyes, heart, soul, mind, ears, skin and tongue when I complain and try with all my might to decide whether or not the glass is half full or half empty. I miss out on the all around me when I look at all that's in me, which isn't much. Mostly sin, and lots of God and His grace. So, I suppose there is a lot in me, but anything worth while in there is really God.
Peace in ones own heart, soul and mind creates peace without.
This computer is dying.
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