Wednesday, January 03, 2007

..a brother among you who needs help?..

If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs. Deuteronomy 15:7-8

Just read it again, think about it. Think about what we, today, as Christians do, and how we react when we see a brother (sister) in need.

Not many of us jump to the chance of helping our Christian siblings do we? Eh, not really. I know I could do it more! Lets look at the words the author uses to describe how we act to a troubled brother; hardhearted and tightfisted. Thats kinna harsh huh? I've heard the word hardheaded used plenty around my family and friends but..heardhearted? We're gonna harden not just our minds but our hearts to someone in need? The definition of hardhearted in the dictionary is just this, "unfeeling; unmerciful; pitiless." I don't think I would want anyone to know me as a person who is "unfeeling; unmerciful; and pitiless" to anyone! No matter who they are! And tightfisted. The other word used in the passage. That makes it sound like you're gonna punch somebody! But lets look at the definition; "parsimonious; stingy; tight." Parsimony is like another word for stingy. So as Christians, we treat our Christian brothers and sisters in need by having an 'unfeeling, unmerciful, pitiless, stingy and tight' attitude toward them. Even if we don't all do that...we should try and make an effort to do just the opposite. So that we don't have that reputation =D Just think about it, every time a brother/sister tells you they need help or somethin in life is going wrong, help em! Jump to the chance! Knowing that you are doing what God wants us all to do, knowing that you will be glorifying God by helping a Christian sibling in need! We are making God smile, our friend smile, and ourselves. (I guarnantee you will be happy after helping someone else ;]) So think about it, pray about it, maybe God is revealing the fact that you need to help someone out =) Toodles!

Katelyn Marie

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