Monday, September 24, 2007

Does This Title Intrigue You?

Today, I woke up not really knowing how the day would go. Just like every other day, I'd shower, get dressed, do whatever I must to be ready to face the world. But, just as every other day, I didn't exactly KNOW what was gonna happen. If I tried to figure out how my day would go, who I'd meet, where I'd go, what I'd eat...I would probably go nuts. If I tried to plan it, it would turn out completely different than I wanted it to, and not only because I'm just a simple human being and planning my every breath is kinda hard...not just because daily distractions and issues will most likely come in and disturb me in the middle of my plan, but because that's Not MY joB. I am not here to be a fortune teller and direct the traffic of mine and everybody else's lives that contact me and vise versa. I would fall apart just knowing that the pressure of my very own life is in my little hands...and only mine. I know others might think this is crazy. Perhaps they would sarcastically quip at me, "Well WHO exactly do you presume IS to take care of your life, Katelyn? Isn't that why we're here? You can't just have a personal Life Genie to carry in your pocket everywhere." Or they might just humorously tell me my life's going down the drain. But I will not fret. I do not mind that others find it silly that I believe there is Another in charge of my steps and where I take them. If I listen to Him, that is.

I could refuse to listen. I could pridefully put myself on a pedestal and presume I have the answers. I might go on well for a while, even. But eventually I'd realize I'm not my author. I'm not my own main character in life. I'm not even the prop master. I am the mix of two others: a very small, supporting role. And an entertained, terrified, amused, intrigued, worried, involved and cheering audience. Someone else is leading me through the lines. Someone else is guiding me through the complicated steps. Someone else is teaching me how to shine in the show, but only that I can shine for Him. This may sound utterly ridiculous to anyone else, but I find such peace and fulfillment from not living for my own, but living for His own. Because by His stripes I am healed, and by His strength, my weakness is made perfect. So, even though I woke up today not knowing what would happen, I knew WHO would happen. In me, through me, by me, with me.

Prayers, Katelyn

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