Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Repent in Dust and Ashes

Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned. And I will sin. And You will be faithful and just to forgive me.
You say to come as I am, to bring my burdens and give You my shame. You ask for the goodness in me to come from the same hands as the bad stuff. You ask me to fall. To neal at Your feet and worship You with an honest heart, of repentance and joy. 

So this I will do, repent in dust and ashes and know, without doubting, that You will clean my slate. You will wipe my dirty face. You will vacuum the dark, hidden corners of my soul. And I will meet You at Your grace, as You meet me at my disgrace. 

I repent in dust and ashes, in the form that I have come and the form that I will go. Forgive me, Holy, Just and Merciful God, clean me in and out, behind and before, just as You knew my frame before the proof of my creation was known, Lord clean every curve and blemish and corner and surface. I will rejoice in You! Your mercy is like a spring! Your Waters wash over me and lay me in the arms of Your grace. Make me pure, Tohara, Mukdeshet, Mekudeshet, Hekdesh... I will see You, Lord, my heart is pure. Save me once again, I will fall.

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